Conclusions: Molecular subtyping using BP leads to a reclassification of 23% of tumors. Functional BP subtyping divided the 137 IHC/FISH triple positive patients into two major subgroups: BP Luminal (n = 66, pCR = 11%) and BP HER2 (n = 60, pCR = 45%).11 patients were re-classified as BP Basal with pCR = 45%. BP Basal and IHC/FISH TN had a pCR rate of 35%. This is significantly superior (p = 0.02) to the pCR rate in IHC/FISH HER2+ patients (40%). The NCT pCR rate was 54% in BP HER2 patients.

NCT pCR rates were 3% in Luminal A and 9% in Luminal B patients versus 10% pCR in IHC/FISH luminal patients. 7/164 (4%) IHC/FISH triple negative (TN) patients were re-classified as BP Luminal (5) or BP HER2 (2). 92/222 (41%) IHC/FISH HER2+ patients were re-classified as BP Luminal (67) or BP Basal (25). 58/335 (17%) IHC/FISH HR+/HER2- patients were re-classified by BP as Basal (57) or HER2 (1). Results: 721 patients had definitive surgery. BP in combination with MammaPrint classifies patients into 4 molecular subgroups: Luminal A, Luminal B, HER2 and Basal. Neo-adjuvant Chemotherapy (NCT) was at the discretion of the physician adhering to NCCN approved or other peer-reviewed regimens. Methods: The study includes women aged 18–90 with histologically proven breast cancer, written informed consent, no excision biopsy or axillary dissection, and no prior therapy for breast cancer.

The aim of the prospective NBRST study is to compare chemosensitivity as defined by pathological Complete Response (pCR) using the 80-gene BluePrint (BP) functional subtype profile vs. However at present, the methodology for molecular subtyping is not standardized.

Background: Classification by molecular subtype can aid in the selection of therapy for patients with breast cancer.