How to use ESP32 Wi-Fi & Bluetooth MCU ESP32-S2 Module Boot RST Pin Header Connector x2 USB to UART USB TX/RX D+/D- RGB LED Title Size Document Number Rev Date: Sheet of 01_DesignBlock V1.2 ESP32-S2-Saola-1 C Friday, Ma1 2.

This has many features including, SPI, I2C, I2S, UART, ETH, RMT, PWM, ADC, DAC, Timers, Bluetooth, Wi-Fi RTC, and more, so with these features in made this device can do many things.

ESP32-GATEWAY-IND and ESP32-GATEWAY-EA-IND are functionally identical, but using. ESP32-GATEWAY and ESP32-GATEWAY-EA should be used in the commercial temperature range 0-70C. This is the ultimate IoT board with wired 100Mb Ethernet Interface, Bluetooth LE, and WiFi. However, many people reported errors when powering the ESP32-CAM with 3.3V, so we always advise to power the ESP32-CAM through the 5V pin.Fully Featured - ESP32-WROOM-32D - ILI9488 3.5" (480*320) TFT screen in 4-wire SPI mode - FT62圆 Capacitive Touch Controller - APK2112 3.3V regulator ESP32-GATEWAY is OSHW certified Open Source Hardware with UID BG000012. You can power the ESP32-CAM through the 3.3V or 5V pins. The ESP32-CAM comes with three GND pins (colored in black color) and two power pins (colored with red color): 3.3V and 5V. As all previous version of ESP-WROVER-KIT boards, it is ready to accommodate an ESP-WROOM-32 or ESP32-WROVER module.Power Pins. Includes 32.768 kHz XTAL for internal RTC to operate it in low power modes. Both buttons are configured as active low when pressed therefore an additional pull-up is given.This board has MicroSD card slot, 3.2" SPI LCD screen and dedicated header to connect a camera. Both buttons are connected in PIN 16 and PIN 33. The sleep button will put the ESP32 in deep sleep mode and another switch is used for waking up the ESP32 from sleep mode.